9 Mayıs 2013 Perşembe



Peckerwood terimi 19. yüzyılda kullanılmaya başladı. Yoksul ve kırsal Güneyli beyazlar için Güneyli siyahlar tarafından kullanılan aşağılayıcı bir terim oldu. Siyahlar kendileri bir sembolü olarak karatavuk inceledi ve beyazlar bir temsili olarak kızıl saçlı ağaçkakan izlendi.1940 yılında dönem "ahşap" California cezaevi argo bir parçası haline geldi ve 1970'lerin başında, tecavüze veya soyulma önlemek için savaşmaya istekli beyaz mahkumlar, başvurmak için kullanılmıştır. Mahkumlar sonunda vadeli garibana gurur kaynağı yaptı.Geç 1980 yılında, ülkenin cezaevlerinde birçok genç erkek ve kadınların işe dazlaklar benzer pro-beyaz sokak çeteleri ortaya çıkmasına neden oldu. Bu hareketin Kadınlar Featherwoods (- "Brids" kadın dazlaklar "Skinbyrds" denir) denir.

Red Devils MC

  • Image
    Red Devils MC
  • Red Devils Motorsiklet Kulübü, Fergus Padraig tarafından 12 Temmuz 1991'de; Almanya / Berlin'de kuruldu.
  • Kulüp, evrensel bir %1(one percenter) outlaw motorsiklet kulübüdür.
  • Kulübün üyeleri, genellikle chopper ve Harley Davidson markalı motor kullanmaktadırlar.
  • Irkçı olduğu bilinen bu kulübün, sadece Alman ve Amerikan kökenli üyeleri kabul ettiği bilinmektedir.
  • Kulübün San Andreas chapteri, Bertram Naumann ve Marlin Whittaker tarafından 2008'de kurulmuştur.
  • ''Ana'' bölüm beş kişiden oluşmaktaydı. Kulüp, seksenli yılların başında tekrar kurulmuş fakat gerek üyeler ve gerekse ses çıkarılmadığı için kapatıldı. Fakat bazı üyeler, vazgeçmeyerek illegal şekilde motor yarışları düzenlemeye başlamıştı. Bu sayede, Red Devils Motor Kulübü tekrar kurulmuştu. En yeni üyeye bile, kardeşlik ve dost kavramı uygulanmaktaydı. Kulübün en güçlüleri, Alman gazilerden oluşmaktaydı.
  • 2004 yılında, polis Almanyada ki kulüp evine baskın düzenledi, kulübün banka soygunu yaptığı şüphesi olduğu için. Üyeler kaçtığı için 50.000$ çaldığı iddiası netleşti ve Polis dava açtı.
  • 10 Nisan 2008 tarihinde, polis Stephen, Köln kulüp evini bastı ve metamfetamin bulundurmaktan dört kişiyi tutukladı. Çalıntı mal ve silahlar da binadan ele geçirildi.
  • 13 Ağustos 2009 günü, polis, Red Devils MC'nın yaklaşık 60 ila 70 üyesini gözaltına aldı. Sorgulandıktan sonra çete ile bağlı faaliyet ile ilgili fotoğraflar'ın yardımıyla üyeler hapishaneye tıkıldı.
  • Bir çok üye kulüp için silah ile vurulmuş veya hapishaneye girmiştir, herkes kulüpten korkmuş olmuştu.
  • Kulüp için ölen üyelere, Almanyadan ailelerine tam destek verilir ve gerek olan herşeyi sağlarlar. Çünkü kulüpte ''kardeş'' terimi vardı, ve bu terimi her üye kullanmak zorundaydı.

  • Red Devils, yıllar geçtikçe büyümeye başladı ve bir çok Alman ve dünyada

  •  ki yeni bölümler 
  • oluşturulmuştu. Gün geçtikçe, kardeşliklerini ispatlıyorlar.

  • Günümüzde, kulübün illegal faaliyetlerinden; Uyuşturucu ve silah kaçakçılığı, adam kaçırma, soygunlar, 

  • sözleşmeli cinayetler / legal faaliyetlerinden; tamirhaneler, barlar yer almaktadır.

Sırbistan Mafyası

Sırbistan Mafyası
Sırbistan mafyası, yani tam olarak Serbian Mafia adıyla bilinen bir suç örgüdür.Acımasız suç örgütlerinin arasında bulunan en önemli örgütlerden birisidir.Örgüt ilk başlarda Sırbistan'da kurulmuştır ve yıllar geçtikçe Avrupa ve Amerika'da geçinmektedirler.Günümüzde ise Sırbistan, Bosna Hersek, Hırvatistan, Karadağ, Kuzey Amerika, Avustralya ve Avrupa'da faaliyet göstermektedir.Ayrıca silah kaçakçılığı, uyuşturucu kaçakçılığı, haraç ve yasadışı kumar,soygun,suikast, insan ticareti ve Askeri Malzeme kaçakçılığı gibi organize işler yürütmektedir.Etnik köken olarakta örgütte Sırp,Karadağlılar ve Bosna Sırpları fazlalıktadır.Sırp mafyasının grupları ise 4'e ayrılıyor:Zemun, Vozdovac, Surcin Zvezdara ve Yeni Belgrad olduğu biliniyor.

Gönderen ; Pretty

3 Mart 2013 Pazar


İyi günler, bir konuya dikkat çekmek istiyorum.Bildiğiniz üzere ingilizcede de belirli bir sokak dili, yani argo var.Sunucunun büyük bir çoğunluğu illegal kesim içindeki rolleri canlandırıyor, ya da şen şakrak karakterleri.Bu adamlar kendi aralarında konuşurken ingilizcedeki deyimleri ve küfürleri türkçeye öyle bir yansıtıyor ki, ne sokak dili kalıyor, ne gerçekçilik.Ganton'da sabah akşam ot satan zencilerin, kendi aralarında "Hector, mastürbasyon yapmayı bırak, poponu kaldır ve buraya gel!" demesi abes kaçıyor.Elbette bunu herkes için söylemiyorum, fakat çoğu kere denk geldim.Buyrun size "Masturbation." kelimesinin, slangda ne meallere geldiğini göstereyim.

"Jack off, Jerk off, wanking, wank off, flog the log, frig, slap the salami." daha fazlasını yazmıyorum, http://onlineslangdictionary.com/thesau ... rbate.html buradan inceleyebilirsiniz.

Şimdi böyle bir örneğin üzerine, "Hector, otuzbir çekmeyi bırak anasını satayım! G*tünü kaldır ve buraya gel, hemen!" mu daha doğru olur, öteki mi? Türkçede de aynı ingilizcede olduğu gibi onlarca argo kelime var, ne olabilir? "Otuzbir çekmek." yerine çavuşu tokatlamak, tombala çekmek, asılmak falan yazılır, "anasını satayım." yerine gelsene be! yazılır, gibi.Her durumda böyle yazmayı önermiyorum, sadece gerçekçilik için bunun daha uygun olduğunu söylüyorum. Ben tek bir kelime üzerine temellendirdim, fakat türlü türlü örnekleri var.Eğer sunucuda bahsettiğim gibi yapanlar varsa, özür dilerim, siz de yorumlarınızı paylaşabilirsiniz, teşekkürler.

1 Mart 2013 Cuma

Ku Klux Klan

Ku Klux Klan
Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 24 Aralık 1865 ABD'de Tennessee'de kurulan siyahi karşıtı ırkçı gizli örgüt. Kurucuları Büyük Büyücü olarak bilinen Nathan Bedford Forrest, Yüzbaşı John C. Lester, Binbaşı James R. Crowe, John D. Kennedy, Calvin Jones, Richard R. Reed, Frank O. McCord'dır. "Birth of a Nation" filmi ile kendilerini bildirmişlerdir.
Örgüte katılanlar arasında da, iç savaş öncesi kurulmuş olan "Knights of the Golden Circle" (Altın Çember Şövalyeleri) adlı gizli cemiyetin üyelerinin çokluğu dikkat çeker.
Ku Klux Klan (ENG)

The Ku Klux Klan (KKK), informally known as the Klan, is the name of three distinct past and present far-right organizations in the United States, which have advocated extremist reactionary currents such as white supremacywhite nationalism, and anti-immigration, historically expressed through terrorism. Since the mid-20th century, the KKK has also been anti-communistThe current manifestation is splintered into several chapters with no connections between each other; it is classified as a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center.  It is estimated to have between 5,000 and 8,000 members as of 2012.
The first Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. Members adopted white costumes: robes, masks, and conical hats, designed to be outlandish and terrifying, and to hide their identities. The second KKK flourished nationwide in the early and mid-1920s, and adopted the same costumes and code words as the first Klan, while introducing cross burnings. The third KKK emerged after World War II and was associated with opposing the Civil Rights Movement and progress among minorities. The second and third incarnations of the Ku Klux Klan made frequent reference to the USA's "Anglo-Saxon" blood, harking back to 19th-century nativism and claiming descent from the original 18th-century British colonial revolutionaries.

Aryan Brotherhood

Aryan Brotherhood 

Aryan Brotherhood gizli, tehlikeli ve iyi disiplinli bir white-supremacist organizasyondur. Aryan Brotherhood üyelerinin çoğu doğuştan liderlik niteliklerine sahip, oldukça zeki kişilerdir. Hayatlarının büyük çoğunluğunu parmaklıklar ardında geçirdiklerinden, adapte olmayı öğrenmişlerdir. Kardeşliğe katılmaya hak kazanan kişi sayısı oldukça azdır ve katılmak için Kardeşlik'in hedef olarak gösterdiği herkesi öldürmeye meyilli olduğunuzu ispatlamanız gerekir. Bu, Kardeşlik içindeki ölümsüz sadakatin simgesidir. Size bu gizli organizasyona katılma hakkını verir ve uyarırlar; bu herkese göre değil. Kardeşliğe katıldığınız andan itibaren, önceden sadık olduğunuz her şey bir kenara atılır; Kardeşlik herşeyden önce gelir. Girmek için öldürmen, çıkman için ölmen gerekir. Aryan Brotherhood'un AB, Brand ve Kardeşlik gibi farklı isimleri de vardır. Aynı zamanda Aryan Brotherhood, kardeşlik için savaşmayı göze alan her beyaz erkeğe koruma vaat ettiğinden, "Peckerwood Ailesi" klasmanında yer alır. Ancak Aryan Brotherhood zaten kendi içinde de bir aile sayılır.



Aryan Brotherhood members make up less than one percent of the nation's prison inmate population, yet the white prison gang is responsible for 18% of all prison murders.

The Aryan Brotherhood picked the name because it showed white supremacy and the shamrock (clover) because it is the sign of the Irish (the original members had to be part Irish). They use the "666", which is the sign of the beast (it's earned for committing a murder), and the swastika, for one that takes pride in being hated & feared by their enemies. Only members of the AB are permitted to wear the "brand" of the gang; individuals found to be wearing the tattoo without consent are subject to being murdered.

1488 = 14 Words88 Precepts

Lightning bolts (cracker bolts) tattoo on the inner bicep is earned for stabbing someone.

Some AB's use variations of the Aryan Nations shield, and may follow a racist religion known as Christian Identity. However, religious affiliation in the AB is not required.

The slogan Sinn Fein, Irish for "ourselves alone," is a recent AB tattoo (No relation to the Sinn Féin political party in Ireland).

AB members are known to have Viking & Celtic tattoos, including the runic alphabet. Norse symbols are not gang affiliated, and are commonly used by Odinists (racist & non-racist).

Mexican Mafia

Mexican Mafia
Meksikalılar, ABD’nin en güçlü hapishane çetesine sahipler. 1950′lerde Meksikalıları diğer mahkumlardan ve gardiyanlardan korumak amacıyla kuruldu. Gasp ve uyuşturucu işleriyle de iştigal ediyorlar. Sadece ABD’de 30.000 üyesi var. Simgeleri alevden bir çember üzerine çaprazlama bıçaklar. Bu aynı zamanda Meksika’nın ulusal simgesi. Bazı üyeler bunu dövme olarak da kullanmakta. Hapishanelerde 150 adet cinayet emri verme yetkisine sahip, 2000 adet bu emirleri uygulamaya gönüllü adam olduğu söyleniyor. Küçük çeteleri ve iş adamlarını sizi koruyacağız diye zorlayıp haraç alan grup, karşı koyanları anında öldürüyor.

Mexican Mafia (ENG)

The Mexican Mafia, also known as La Eme (Spanish for the letter M) is an American-originated mostly Mexican-American criminal organization, and is one of the oldest and most powerful prison gangs in the United States.

The Mexican Mafia was formed in the late 1950s by Chicano street gang members incarcerated at the Deuel Vocational Institution, a state prison located in Tracy, California.

The foundation of the gang began with thirteen members of the Maravilla gang. These thirteen prisoners that laid the groundwork for the gang referred to themselves as Mexikanemi, which is translated from Nahuatl as "He Who walks with God in his heart." The initial founding member of the gang was Luis "Huero Buff" Flores, who was previously a member of the Hawaiian Gardens gang.

While the Mexican Mafia was founded in part to show reverence to Aztec and Maya heritage, its primary focus was to protect members against other prison inmates as well as corrections officers. Deuel Vocational Institution was treated as an educational facility by convicts, where they would develop their skills in fighting, drug dealing, and creating weapons.

Luis Flores initially recruited violent members to the gang, in an attempt to create a highly-feared organization which could control the black market activities of the Deuel prison facilities. As a response to the increase in violence, the California Department of Corrections transferred some members of the Mexican Mafia to other prison facilities, including San Quentin Prison. This action inadvertently helped the Mexican Mafia in recruiting new members in both the prison and juvenile correctional facilities in California.

Aztec calendar, black hand, Mexican eagle, letter "M"

In the late 1960s, Mexican-American (Chicano) inmates of the California state prison began to form a rival group to the Mexican Mafia, known as Nuestra Familia. Membership was often determined according to the locations of their hometowns (the north-south dividing line generally accepted as Bakersfield, California.)

There was a perceived level of abuse by members of the Mexican Mafia towards the imprisoned Latinos from rural farming areas of Northern California. The spark that led to the ongoing war between Nuestra Familia and members of the Mexican Mafia involved a situation in which a member of La Eme allegedly stole a pair of shoes from a Northerner. This event put into motion the longest-running gang war in the state of California.

The Mexican Mafia is an organization involved in extortion, drug trafficking, and murder, both in and outside the prison system. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Mexican Mafia had arranged for contract killings to be carried out by the Aryan Brotherhood, a white prison gang. Both the Mexican Mafia and the Aryan Brotherhood are mutual enemies of the African-American gang Black Guerilla Family.

The first prison gang street execution in Los Angeles was committed by the Mexican Mafia in 1971. Responsible for the murder was a white Maravilla gang member named Joe "Pegleg" Morgan. Morgan was well respected within the ranks of the Mexican Mafia and became a high ranking member. His connections with cocaine and heroin suppliers in Mexico helped pave the foundation for the Mexican Mafia's narcotics distribution throughout California. During the 1970s, while under the control of Rudy Cadena, the Mexican Mafia often took control over various community groups. The gang was able to filter money from alcohol and drug prevention programs to finance their criminal activities.

In 1995, United States federal authorities indicted 22 members and associates of the Mexican Mafia, charged under the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act with crimes which included extortion, murder and kidnapping. One of the arrested members, Benjamin "Topo" Peters, was allegedly the Mexican Mafia's highest ranking member, and was engaged in a power struggle with fellow member Ruben "Tupi" Hernandez. Another indicted member was accused of having plotted the death of an anti-gang activist who served as a consultant for the film American Me. The indictments marked a two-year investigation by federal, local and state law enforcement officials.

In 2006, a 36-count federal indictment was brought against members of the Mexican Mafia. The arrests were made for alleged acts of violence, drug dealing, and extortion against smaller Latino street gangs. According to the federal indictment, Mexican Mafia members exert their influence in both federal and state prison systems through either violence or the threat of violence.

Members and associates of the gang remain fiercely loyal to the criminal organization both in and outside of prison, particularly in Southern California cities such as Los Angeles and San Diego. The gang asserts its influence over other gangs throughout Southern California by threatening violence against their members should they ever become incarcerated. Gangs and drug dealers who refuse to pay a protection "tax" to the Mexican Mafia are often murdered or threatened with murder. High-ranking members of the Mexican Mafia who are locked in private cells for 23 hours of each day are still able to communicate with their associates, through methods which range from tapping in code on prison plumbing pipes to smuggled letters.

While the Mexican Mafia is a highly-organized criminal entity, it is believed that the gang presently is not presided over by a single leader. Prison membership of the gang is believed to consist of at least 150 members with authority to order murders, and at least 1000 associates who can carry out those orders. It is estimated that the Mexican Mafia has over 30,000 members throughout the United States.

Modeled after the Sicilian Mafia in the United States, the Mexican Mafia operates on a paramilitary structure, including generals, captains, lieutenants and sergeants. Those ranking below the sergeants are considered soldiers, sometimes referred to as "carnales."

Members of the Mexican Mafia are expected to engage in tests of their loyalty to the gang, which may include theft or murder. The penalty for refusing orders or failing to complete an assigned task is often death. According to the gang's constitution, members may also be punished or murdered if they commit any of four major infractions. These include becoming an informant, acts of homosexuality, acts of cowardice, and showing disrespect against fellow gang members. According to gang policy, a member of the Mexican Mafia may not be murdered without prior approval by a vote of three members, yet the murder of non-members requires no formal approval.

During the early 1960s at San Quentin Prison, Luis Flores and Rudy "Cheyenne" Cadena established a blood oath for members of the Mexican Mafia. Prior to the establishment of the oath, members of the Mexican Mafia were allowed to return to their street gangs after incarceration. The new oath stipulated that the only way for a member to leave the Mexican Mafia was to be killed. Flores and Cadena also established a set of gang commandments. These included policies such as: a new member must be sponsored by an existing member, unanimous approval from all existing members to join (no longer policy), prioritizing the gang over one's family, denial of the existence of the Mexican Mafia to law enforcement or non-members, disrespect of other members, forgiving street conflicts which existed before incarceration. Execution of a member of the gang for policy violation must be committed by the gang member who sponsored him.

While mostly found in California, the Mexican Mafia has a membership which extends to other states including Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico.

The Mexican Mafia holds a strong alliance with the Aryan Brotherhood. The primary rivals of the Mexican Mafia are Nuestra Familia. The Mexican Mafia is also a rival of the Black Guerrilla Family prison gang, which holds a loose alliance with Nuestra Familia.

Mexican Mafia symbols include images of a black hand. The gang's primary symbol, which is often used in tattoos by members, is the national symbol of Mexico (eagle and a snake) atop a flaming circle over crossed knives.

Members of the Mexican Mafia often use the number 13 as gang identification, as the letter "M" is the 13th letter of the English alphabet.

Symbols: black hand of death, EME, 13, Emero, So Cal, Mafia Mexicana, Aztec calendar
Founder: Luis "Huero Buff" Flores
Years active: 1957–present
Territory: US federal prison system and Southern California
Membership: 100,000
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Allies: Sureños, Mexikanemi, Aryan Brotherhood, Florencia 13, 18th Street Gang
Rivals: Norteños, Nuestra Familia, Northern Structure, Black Guerilla Family

Arizona New Mexican Mafia

Around 1974, a group of Hispanic inmates at Arizona State Prison, Florence, formed a prison gang know as the Mexican Mafia. Arizona Department of Corrections officials at that time obtained information that this group pattered themselves after the California Mexican Mafia which had been in existence for several years. Several Hispanics who came into the Arizona Prison System brought the concept and philosophy of the California Mexican Mafia.

In 1978 the Mexican Mafia split into two organizations. One kept the original philosophy and structure and currently refer to themselves as the Original Mexican Mafia, "Califas Faction", "EME". The other, which came into prominence in 1984, refer to themselves as the New Mexican Mafia. Many assaults and murders of members of both groups have occurred as a result of each organization claiming the title of "Mexican Mafia" within the Arizona prison system.

Members of the New Mexican Mafia consider themselves autonomous with relation to the Original Mexican Mafia and the parent organization in California. They have created their own rules and regulations and have established an organizational structure. Each member is allowed to vote on issues regarding membership and leadership. The leader, approved by the members has the power to solely decide important issues (i.e., revoke present membership or reject new members) and may approve new members without an organization vote. As of the printing of this workbook, a few influential members are consulted on major issues by the leader. This may discontinue with a change of leadership.

Membership is comprised of inmates who have many years within the prison system, some were members of the Original Mexican Mafia, as well as first time offenders. Several newly recruited members have been identified as belonging to Hispanic street gangs throughout Arizona. Most members have been documented by law enforcement as having the New Mexican Mafia tattoo. All members are encouraged to wear it.

Members are allowed to use their own creative individuality for the tattoo pattern, however all "Pachas" or patterns must have the skull, double "MM" and the flames around the circle. The double M. Must curve downward and cross at the bottom. This signifies that the member has crossed over from the original Mexican Mafia to the New Mexican Mafia, if he was a member of the former. The large flames are to lean counter-clockwise and be partially shaded. The small flames lean clockwise and are supposed to be completely shaded.

The rose is considered the highest honor a member can obtain. It signifies that the member has successfully completed [a mission] an assault on his [the gang's] "enemies".